Physical Organic Chemistry, CH435 and CH531
The course focuses on organic molecular structure and the theory and mechanisms of organic transformations.
Instructor: S. C. Blackstock, office SHLB 2050, phone 205-348-0748, email [email protected]
Text: Modren Physical Organic Chemistry by Anslyn & Dougherty, 2006
time/place: Tu/Th 9:30-10:45 AM in SHLB 2106
office hrs: W/Th 11:00-11:30 or TBA or by appointment
tools: ChemDraw, SciFinder, Spartan, Pencasts, tegrity
course syllabus
Tentative Course Agenda
Ch 1 Molecular Structure and Bonding (ch1 lecture outline) - 6 lectures (Aug 18, 23, 25, 29, Sept 1, 6)
Ch 6 Stereochemistry (ch 6 lecture outline) - 4 lectures (Sept 8, 13, 15, 20)
Exam 1 - Mon, Sept 19, 7-9 PM
Ch 15 Pericyclic Reactions (ch 15 lecture outline) - 6 lectures (Sept 22, 27, 29, Oct 4, 6, 11)
Exam 2 - Mon, Oct 17, 7-9 PM
Ch 2 Molecular Energetics and Conformational Analysis (Ch 2 lecture outline) - 6 lectures (Oct 13, 18, 20. 25, Nov 1, 3)
Ch 7 Kinetics and Reaction Energy Surfaces - 2 lectures
Ch 8 Mechanistic Analysis of Organic Reactions - 2 lectures
Exam 3 - Mon, Nov 21, 7-9 PM
Ch 5 Acid-Base Chemistry
Ch 11 Molecular Rearrangments
Final Exam - Wed, Dec 7, 8-10:30 AM
Instructor: S. C. Blackstock, office SHLB 2050, phone 205-348-0748, email [email protected]
Text: Modren Physical Organic Chemistry by Anslyn & Dougherty, 2006
time/place: Tu/Th 9:30-10:45 AM in SHLB 2106
office hrs: W/Th 11:00-11:30 or TBA or by appointment
tools: ChemDraw, SciFinder, Spartan, Pencasts, tegrity
course syllabus
Tentative Course Agenda
Ch 1 Molecular Structure and Bonding (ch1 lecture outline) - 6 lectures (Aug 18, 23, 25, 29, Sept 1, 6)
Ch 6 Stereochemistry (ch 6 lecture outline) - 4 lectures (Sept 8, 13, 15, 20)
Exam 1 - Mon, Sept 19, 7-9 PM
Ch 15 Pericyclic Reactions (ch 15 lecture outline) - 6 lectures (Sept 22, 27, 29, Oct 4, 6, 11)
Exam 2 - Mon, Oct 17, 7-9 PM
Ch 2 Molecular Energetics and Conformational Analysis (Ch 2 lecture outline) - 6 lectures (Oct 13, 18, 20. 25, Nov 1, 3)
Ch 7 Kinetics and Reaction Energy Surfaces - 2 lectures
Ch 8 Mechanistic Analysis of Organic Reactions - 2 lectures
Exam 3 - Mon, Nov 21, 7-9 PM
Ch 5 Acid-Base Chemistry
Ch 11 Molecular Rearrangments
Final Exam - Wed, Dec 7, 8-10:30 AM